Sunday, June 6, 2010

Concert for Canines (Sydney, Australia)

Over the weekend in Sydney, an unusual event took place. Among all its musicals, operas, concerts and recitals, the Sydney Opera House has probably never seen such an event. A music event especially for dogs was held on the forecourt of the famous Sydney icon. Hundreds of dogs – tiny pampered pooches carried in baskets, large loping dogs towing their masters and all shapes and sizes in between – perched on the steps of the Opera House and settled in for twenty minutes of tunes and music acoustically designed for dogs.

With an assortment of high-pitched whistles and noises mainly outside the human hearing range, the canine audience contentedly listened to the doggie concert. Some appeared more interested in the other attendees, some enthusiastically waved their tails while others nervously viewed the unfolding concert.

Conducted as part of the Vivid Sydney festival that is repeating its nightly lighting of the Opera House sails that were so popular in 2009, this novel event billed as an absolute must for any dog and their two-legged friends shows that the organisers have broad minds when it comes to this month long festival of lights and sound.

Photo Credit: all photos


BarbaraW said...

What a hoot! I'd love to read an interview with one of the musicians who composed the music to learn how he/she decided what to play when it involves notes we humans can't hear.

Donna Hull said...

What a unique concert. I've never heard of one for dogs.

Sherry Ott said...

knowing how much New Yorkers love their's only a matter of time that this shows up at Lincoln Center or the Met! Great story!

Arlene said...

I had to do a double take. But why not!! Very unique idea for a concert. Looks like it was a big success.

alison said...

how funny, you've got to love those aussies! i think my dog would enjoy putting on his best collar to attend a cultural event rather than the usual walk around the park!

Anonymous said...

@alison I lived in Australia for several years and it never ceases to amaze me how silly the Aussies can get!

I love this story too! It just goes to show that only a man's (or women's) best friend gets that type of treatment! Their own concert? Spoiled...just kidding!

I think this is a brilliant idea and should be replicated around the world!

Although the East Coast of Australia is very unique! Sydney very stylish and QLD is just truly incredible!

Had a nice recollection of my time there when I came across this little travel guide in an Esquire magazine I picked up last month...

Mark H said...

@Barbara: There is a video interview at

@Donna: It sounds a bit indulgent to me!!

@Sherry: And maybe Paris too?

@Arlene: It did seem popular. Very novel idea.

@alison: Maybe a collar with a bow tie or sparkling rhinestones?

@anonymous: Thnak you.

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