Sunday, July 4, 2010

Photo of the Week: Independence Day (Craig, Alaska, USA)

This scanned photo from the 1990s is taken on July 4th in the small rustic timber and fishing town of Craig on Prince of Wales Island in southern Alaska. Three of us stayed there for a night before heading into the scenic Alaskan waterways on a boat that looked like the African Queen. With a population of less than 1500 people, everyone seemed to be involved in celebrations with a long parade of vehicles and various sporting and social groups followed by a wonderful afternoon of food and festivities in the main park.

One striking vehicle was the services truck with Smoky the Bear and an unidentified creature on board. Is this a beetle or an alligator or turtle or what? Anyone got any suggestions?

To my American readers, best wishes for 4th of July and to my Canadian readers, my thoughts for the recent Canada Day (1st July).


  1. Definitely a turtle - you can see the shell.

  2. A giant ant or termite maybe? That's funny, Mark. Can't imagine what the tie-in to Independence Day might have been!

  3. I was thinking maybe a whale, but think Barbara is correct.

  4. I love small town parades - they are always the best! In Nebraska they would decorate and drive tractors down main street!

  5. @barbara: I can believe a turtle, but why a turtle for this small town?

    @heather: An ant or termite? I'm not convinced.

    @anil: I don't think it is a whale.

    @sherry: This one in Craig was great fun - a real spirit of America.

  6. That's Sammy the Salmon. It's easier to see his fins when you are close up.

  7. @anonymous: It doesn't look like a salmon to me.
