Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Natural Jacuzzi (Saturnia, Italy)

In the south of Tuscany, a couple of kilometres south-east of its ancient namesake hillside village and west of the stunning Pitigliano are the remarkable hot springs of Saturnia. With the haphazard parking of cars and vans, a steady stream of half-naked people strolling along a dirt track and the less-than-subtle scent of sulphur wafting in the air, the Saturnia Cascades gushes warmed water from the Earth which settles into a series of small rock pools.

Gracelessly slithering down a natural stair to enter the hallowed waters, people step into the mineral-rich vivid turquoise bath. Even with a fair crowd of people chatting animatedly, the Saturnia hot springs are remarkably relaxing and a wonderful afternoon tonic to Tuscan adventures. Settling nearer the small waterfall offers a robust massage while sitting in one of the natural pools up to your neck is like bathing in champagne, the effervescence of tiny bubbles tingling the entire body.

With no change rooms, limited signage and a lone van selling ice-creams and cool drinks, this is as uncommercialised as can be. Lean back and enjoy the warming spa waters of this offbeat wonder of the world in much the same way as historic documents show that the Etruscans, Romans and Italians have done for over two millennia. And maybe like these predecessors, the memories will stay for a day or two as the sulphurous smell lingers despite any efforts to wash it off.

Travel Tips on raveable


  1. You are really a hard worker.Your work shows your passion towards travel.Thanks for sharing the post.You make me crazy about that place, I'll definitely visit that place.

  2. Ohhh... looks so relaxing and beautiful! I went to the hot springs in iceland... wondering how hot these were to compare. Might have to make my way to Saturnia!

  3. That sounds divine! I've been to Tuscany many times but never heard of this mineral dip! Thanks for letting the secret out!

  4. Relaxing and beautiful! It looks almost as Pamukkale in Turkey. I've been there and it's A MUST SEE! It's really amazing! Check some photos in Google ;)

  5. Had no idea this was in Tuscany. Must be one of those closely held local secrets; almost a shame to write about it,m since they'll end up being overrun. I know I've got them on my travel list now.

  6. I love the idea of a free outdoor spa pool - and especially if it's uncommercial like this one - it's good to think that the locals have been enjoying their hot baths here for centuries

  7. How does one get to the thermal springs if you don't have a car? Are there any tours? Buses? Help!

  8. @Ah: I don't know about tours but there is public transport from Grosetto to the town of Saturnia during the weekdays but they are fairly scarce. A car makes it much easier.
