Saturday, July 23, 2011

Photo of the Week: Colourful Lion Guard (Kathmandu, Nepal)

In a scanned photo from a trip some years ago, I love the colours of this mythical lion guarding one of the numerous temples in Durbar Square in the heart of Kathmandu. Durbar Square is a full assault on the senses - saffron-robed Sadu priests, a living goddess, occasional monkeys and people all in a square awash with historic pagoda-style Hindu temples, some with quite startling erotic carvings.

Extremely well dressed students battle with hawkers selling all kinds of accoutrements and paraphernalia, men coaxing tunes from enchanting singing bowls and pious older folks trying to simply pray in the Kathmandu mayhem. Somewhat voyeuristic, I'd suggest finding a cafe a few floors up and enjoy a cup of steaming masala tea and some quiet contemplative moments and watch the fascinating scenes of Kathmandu life unfold before you.


  1. I do believe I've seen that statue! I definitely have a love hate relationship with Kathmandu. The first few days I love it and then the traffic and crowds start to make me hate it :-)

  2. @barbara: I'm sure you have wandering around the central square. It is difficult to get some soltitude and peace in Kathmandu with its madhouse traffic, frenetic activity and crowds of people.

  3. Great article Mark, how lovely to see a group of happy smiling children in regions where often it is the opposite.

    Always thought getting up close to a camels would scare me, not sure why.

  4. @AJ: I think your comments reference the story about Agadez (Niger). I rode one for a while at the market and they are slightly uncomfortable animals - I think it is their height as they stand tall over you.
