Saturday, July 16, 2011

Orderly Washing at Marble Temple (Bangkok, Thailand)

Marble Temple is one of Bangkok's most popular wats or Buddhist temples. While the temple has moving images of Buddha, typical Buddhist Thai architecture and gleaming gold window decorations, I am most taken by the monks' washing and the fact that it appears to be sorted by colour range from the deepest reds through sunburned oranges to delicate pastel yellows.

Is this pure coincidence or are monks that orderly?


  1. Very interesting. There seems to be a hierarchy in everything, including the fresh-washed linens of monks.

  2. @donna: It seems to take hierarchies too far...

  3. Maybe they are just a little OCD!! It makes for a pretty picture though!

  4. @sherry: I am still going for coincidence but you do wonder.

  5. Marble Temple in Bangkok is an attraction one should not miss. The moving images of Buddha are a scene to watch. Therefore go for cheap flights to Bangkok and have the opportunity to observe this famous architectural beauty.
