Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Photo of the Week: A Single Drip (Jenolan Caves, Australia)

Two hundred kilometres west of Sydney, Jenolan Caves are thought to be the oldest show caves in the world at an estimated 380 million years, well before dinosaurs roamed our planet.It is staggering to believe such beauty and richly decorated limestone chambers are built by the constant dripping of water such as the single drops landing in the spectacular main chamber of the Temple of Baal Cave (undoubtedly one of the most spectacular caves in the world).


  1. Looks fantastic, I appreciate so much when someone posts shots from caves, because I have always been scared to go inside myself, but never mind my fear, I find them so beautiful and attractive... thanks!

  2. What a fantastic catch! I LOVE caves.

  3. @simona london: I adore showcaves. I think they are one of the greatest examples of nature at its patient best etching a magnificent landscape over time, untouched by human hands for all but the last 100 or few hundred years.

    @winnebage hire: Thanks

  4. Fantastic picture. I want to recommend to everyone that they click on the picture, because you need to see the larger version to catch the drip.
    We have Kartchner Caverns, a living cavern, also, in Arizona, and when a drip falls on your head, it is called a "cave kiss."

  5. @vera: Thank you for your kind remarks. I love the term "cave kiss" which is new to me as it describes the situation so beautifully. Caves are one of nature's most wonderful gifts.

  6. amazing work so nice and really fun to read post

  7. @jaipur: Thank you. Jenolan Caves are spectacular.

  8. Really a mind blowing photography done by you . CAVES photography is awesome to see
