Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Drinks Around the World: Hot Chocolate (Switzerland)

While people have been eating chocolate for only a couple of hundred years, chocolate has been taken as a beverage for over three thousand years (started in central America). To me, Switzerland is the home of hot chocolate drinks and is the best drink choice whenever visiting this scenic alpine country.

Hot chocolate comes in two types - the less-than-satisfying watery powdered drink served up in many places around the world or the silky smooth rich, thick, deep brown drink that tastes like a liquid chocolate cake. Switzerland serves up more of the latter and was a drink I enjoyed in a number of places around Switzerland whether perched on the peak of Lucerne's Pilatus or wandering the streets of one of the Swiss towns.

However the highlight is the wonderful unassuming granite storefront called La Barbare (their French website) up a staircase overlooking Lausanne (and on the famed Camino de Santiago or Way of St James) where the effervescent Marta has been serving up her magic brew since 1950. Served in a conical cup, the thick syrupy hot chocolate tastes like a liquid truffle and makes for a superb start of the day with a fresh croissant.

Don't miss the chance to enjoy a wondrous hot chocolate in Switzerland!!
At the start of each month, Travel Wonders highlights a characteristic drink experienced on his travels. Other offerings from western Europe include Spanish Horchata, Bibicaffe from Italy, Dutch anijsmelk, Austria's Almdudler and an English chocolate mocha martini.

Photo Credit: shop


  1. Looks very yummy & tempting. :)

  2. I haven't had any hot chocolate in Switzerland (though I did eat a great deal of chocolate), but the best hot chocolate I ever had was in Pascal Caffet's chocolaterie in Paris...exquisite! But I'm pretty sure the Swiss can beat that easily.

  3. after i read your article i went and prepared a hot chocolate, it tastes so good when outside is gloomy :d

  4. @jaipur: It's chocolate but it is certianly awesome.

  5. @paris patisseries: I am sure that a specialist chocolatier makes mighty fine hot chocolates in Paris too. Sounds fun comparing the offerin gs from the two countries.

    @mihaela: I assocaite it hot chocolate more with gloomy days too.

  6. The Swiss really know their chocolate, it is something else over there :)

  7. I really enjoyed the hot chocolate I tried in Gothenburg this December topped with chilli flakes - perfect for keeping out the cold!

  8. @anil: I think that the Swiss make the best chocolate of anyone.

    @heather: With chilli, reminds me of the movie "Chocolat"
