Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Photo of the Week: Male Elk (Jasper, Canada)

This lone male elk, resplendent with its fine antlers, contentedly munches juicy grasses. Grazing on the verge of the main highway just outside the stunning Rockies town of Jasper, little traffic probably interrupts this elk in the early hours (one of the best times to see wildlife). While initially a little suspicious of me as shown in this photo, he soon returns to his feeding relaxed that I was harmless, simply snapping a few photos from the other side of the main road.


  1. Perfect timing, nice click, keep doing good work!

  2. I suspect that you had a good telephoto to get such a nice shot of him

  3. @PWT: Thank you.

    @deep India: Thank you

  4. @heather: As long a len as I could muster (300mm) rested on a vehicle to try to keep things still in the dull light.
