Friday, December 9, 2011

Photo of the Week: Eastern Water Dragon (Australia)

This cute little fellow (click on the photo to enlarge) contentedly poses for the camera as he suns himself on a small rock. Equally adept as swimmers and on land, water dragons are a reasonably regular sight in the Australian summer, especially in parks and near waterways.


  1. Cute little devil - reminds me of the lizards I recently saw in the Galapagos.

  2. @barbara: They are attractive in a lizard kind of way...

  3. I trust those aren't the ones that deliver a poisoned bite but I probably wouldn't get too close

  4. @heather: These ones are fine and simply sit and sun themselves, though I wouldn't go poking my finger into its mouth!!

  5. Its really a scary animal i would never go close to it . i think it deliver poison bite

  6. @bangkok: I don't believe that these little guys are poisonous and tend to simply content themselves sitting in the sun.
