Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Photo of the Week: Watermelons For Sale (Luxor, Egypt)

With a backdrop of centuries-old walls and only a block from the stunning Karnak Temple, a watermelon salesman tries to sell his stock of watermelons before the heat of the midday sun empties the streets. The Egyptian streets were filled with wonderful seasonal fruits and spices grown on the banks of the life-giving Nile.


  1. Wow!! this market is stunning. I love this fruit in season time.

  2. Egypt is definitely on my list, though it may have to wait until things settle down a bit more.

  3. mmm, love watermelons - I have a friend whol lives in Alexandria and she was threatening to meet me in Luxor as our next trip

  4. @peter: The markets feel timeless..

  5. @barbara: I bet there are some bargain rates at the moment.

    @heather: I don't eat watermelons - they make me feel queazy. It is pretty much the only food I don't eat.

  6. Egypt is magical place I were there last week with couple of friends and what amazed us the most as the market what a vibrant combination of so many things.

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  7. Travel is the only context in which some people ever look around. If we spent half the energy looking at our own neighborhoods, we'd probably learn twice as much.

  8. @adie: I love the markets in towns and cities wherever I travel. I think they say a lot about the fabric and spirit of a place.

  9. @flights to accra: I agree with you. I think people are a lot less observant around their home towns as they take more for granted about their surroundings.
