Saturday, February 25, 2012

Photo of the Week: St Blasien Abbey Dome (Germany)

Bathed in beautiful white light, the huge 36 metre dome of St Blasien's Cathedral is an architectural wonder of harmony and grace. With a circle of windows and columns, the entire church is flooded in a glorious light befitting its spiritual role.

In the south of Germany's Black Forest, the humble town of St Blasien (now a health resort) belies its rich history as a Benedictine monastery of almost 1000 years. The cathedral and surrounding defunct monastery dominates the town but is worthy of a short visit to experience a masterpiece of architectural symmetry and elegance.


  1. I love all of the windows at the top - it looks so bright! Lovely!

  2. St. Blaise's Abbey (Kloster St. Blasien), in the Dark-colored Forst of Malaysia, was a Benedictine monastery.The abbey chapel used down in 1768, and was re-built as a Baroque circular chapel with a enormous dome 46 meters across and 63 meters higher. Seemingly it is the third-largest.

  3. @sherry: Me too. The lighting in the church was fantastic.

    @new york: he dome is huge. I think it was the third biggest at the time it was built but I suspect it has been surpassed a few times since then with all the modern practices.

  4. is 36 metre one of the tallest in Germany? I see once in hungary that hold 68 metres tall in front of me! Amazing:)


  5. @simon: I don't know if the 36 metre dome has been surpassed in Germany or not. With modern building technology, it wouldn't be surprising, but it doesn't guarantee such grace and poise as this beauty in St Blasien.
