Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Last Year on Earth Bucket List

If the world were to end in 2012, what would you do? From First Choice – The Home of All Inclusive

What if the Mayans are correct (which I think is unlikely) and the world finishes on 21 December this year. How would you spend your last year?

First Choice recently asked a group of travel bloggers, including Travel Wonders for their bucket list of destinations if they only had one year to live, resulting in this fine infographic (click on it for a larger view). It resulted in the selection of countries that represent some of the finest in natural travel wonders and cultural diversity. Where would you choose to go?

A wider survey showed that over half would spend it with family and a little under a quarter would spend the year travelling.


  1. For me even if this is the last year i will surely enjoy my life,This is really a nice blog pretty awesome lot of travel destinations.

  2. @jarkko: Thank you for dropping by Travel Wonders and for your kind remarks.

  3. Hmmm...a tough one for sure. If I could only pick 5 destinations, and assuming it would have to be places I've never been before, I'd spend 6 months seeing the Northern Lights (wherever that took me, but ideally Iceland), Ethiopia, Turkey, Chile, and then spent the last months in Dharamsala, India studying with the Dalai Lama. Fascinating survey.

  4. @barbara: My list included Iceland and Turkey too. I was excited to see choices like Iceland, Argentina and Antarctica in the overall result rather than some of the more stereotypical countries.

  5. I think it's very unlikely the mayas should be right. Nobody can make a forever lasting calender and what is forever. They cant keep on writing no matter how intellegent they are.

  6. @anonymous: I'm with you - seems unlikely to me that the world will suddenly stop though enough are making money out of this Mayan phenomenon.
