Friday, March 23, 2012

Photo of the Week: Queen Charlotte Sound (New Zealand)

The peaceful early morning waters of Queen Charlotte Sound is one of the most enchanting vistas among the number of channels and waterways that make up the majestic Marlborough Sounds. Long tentacles of water separated by heavily forested serrated hills pierce the ragged northern coastline of New Zealand's South Island meaning a number of tiny villages along the shoreline are only accessible by boat.


  1. This is an area of New Zealand I have yet to investigate. It looks stunning (I clicked through to your earlier article about Marlborough Sounds to learn more). What a beautiful coastline and the different colors of the water are astonishing. I will have to go back one day to see more of New Zealand, which has to rank among the most beautiful places on earth.

  2. @barbara: I think a lot of people miss the north of NZ's south island preferring to make their way driectly from Christchurch over Arthur's Pass. Nelson is a gem and the Abel Tasman National Park and the Marlborough Sounds are natural wonders not to be missed.
